Digital Strategy

Partnering you to success

Digital Strategy “is a plan that uses digital resources to achieve one or more objectives”

Although this definition is true, it is an oversimplification. Some people say that a Digital Strategy is just digital marketing. Well that is certainly part of it, but in truth it’s much more complicated than just that! We need to consider a whole range of areas when we are designing our strategy.

Digital Strategy is a path, a route to success online. Like any journey, before you can begin, you need to know where you are starting from, and where you’re going!

As you can see from the following infographic our route is a circular one consisting of three main phases

Digital Strategy Process
The Digital Strategy Process

Where are we starting from? In order to determine this, we have to do some research and analysis. This includes;

  • Digital analysis (What do we have at the moment and does it suit our needs)
  • Business analysis (What products or services are we going to be offering)
  • Customer analysis (What is our audience or who will buy our products and services)
  • Competitor analysis (Who are our competitors and how well are they performing)
  • Market analysis (What are your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. SWOT)

Now we have completed the analysis part of our Digital Strategy, we can now set our goals.

 A goal without a plan is just a wish!

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


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