Digital Strategy

Partnering you to success

Time for Change

At Digital Strategy We are passionate about creating great user experiences. By partnering with our clients to provide the very best digital service they can and to guide them to greater success. In these volatile times, there has never been a better time to re-evaluate your company’s digital strategy and how your company can use these changing times to improve and offer the very best online service to your clients!

As businesses try and recover post Covid -19 and try to return to something like normal, or whatever the “new normal” is. Both your clients and your competitors are going to make more use of Digital services and data, so you will need to be leveraging digital technologies too to avoid getting left behind.

The use of digital has increased exponentially in the last few years, but never as fast as it has increased over the first few months of this year. People’s use of digital has soared. Figures from the United States suggest that the digital percentage of retail sales in the first four months of 2020 rose as much as it did in the previous ten years!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is e-commerce-percentage-of-retail-sales-US.png
Source; Bank of America, US Department of Commerce, ShawSpring Research

Changes in trends

It’s been noted that after a big period of disruption trends change but not as many people predict, after the Financial crisis of 2008 people were predicting that we would see a whole new set of trends, but what actually happened was the emerging trends prior to the crisis were accelerated to a new level of growth. We started to see the growth of the social network!

Disruption can be a catalyst for change.

After all, it’s not that awful…in Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance!

In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace and what did they produce?

The cuckoo clock!Harry Lime – “The Third Mam” 1949

As the financial crisis of 2008 accelerated the emergence and growth of social networks, we can use this period of flux to improve and change what we are doing digitally, for the good of ourselves and our clients! By taking note of how the use of digital has been changing and by creating a Digital Strategy for our companies, we can make the best use of these changes, by penetrating the market better than our competitors, maximising our return on our investments and giving our clients the service possible!

One size does not fit all.

All companies are different; they differ in the market sector they operate in? The products and services they offer? Their target audience! The number and the personalities of their employees. Are they small, medium or large companies? The size of the budget they have at their disposal? The geographical area do they operate in? And do they operate from single or multiple locations? As you can see companies differ in many ways. For this reason, the Digital Strategy they use needs to be designed and tailored to fit these unique differences.

How we can help!

So let us at Digital Strategy Partner with your company to create a complete, integrated, Digital Plan for your company that’s designed to guide you to digital success


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